Tuesday, March 21, 2006

V for Vendetta

Tonight I went out and watched a late showing of V for Vendetta. I was very impressed with the movie. I have previously read Alan Moore's graphic novel, V for Vendetta, and the movie did stay reasonably close to the book. However, there were some important changes in the movie, especially concerning the handling of Evey. I understand Moore's wish to avoid giving his name to the movie.

Evey's encounter with the fingermen in the beginning is remarkably changed.

I enjoyed the "modern" influence; avian flu, the U.S. war in Iraq spreading bigger and bigger, and so on. The portrayal of pharmaceutical companies was interesting, and different from Moore's vision. The use of a biological agent instead of nuclear war was interesting.

The whole story is especially poignant considering the 'fortification mentality' that large corporations are adopting all around the world. They are developing private security forces simply to protect their assets and processes. Keep in mind that private corporations always do things better and more efficiently than government. If you think governments are good at killing people... "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

Oh yeah, one more thing: Agent Smith, indeed.


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