One day at a time
I didn't get a nap today. Oh no! Just lots of work. I wrapped up a very interesting licensing system. It is smooth and effortless. It queries the user for their name, and then goes to a central server and gets a license. No restrictions, no errors, and it automatically continues cleanly if the server can't be reached.
Of course there are some catches, and the software is set up to start restricting in the future. Lots of fun, although not on overtime!
I went to the contra dance at Brown this evening. It was fun, although the vast majority of people were very, very new. I think I'm going to keep the beard. Either the beard gives me the confidence to be attractive, or it's just plain attractive. Regardless, I get lots more attention from the girls. Plus there's the occasional girl that likes it rough -- a little zip to the dance, and now I give it to them. Actually, I kinda push them as far as they'll go, and if they push back, cool!
Being a good dancer helps a lot.
I danced with two notable people -- one a stunning Scandinavian woman who could easily be a model. I could get all warm and fuzzy and say that the gradual warming up and eventual smile was because of my charming personality ... or she was high. Certainly wasn't very present. She was remarkably beautiful, though; I couldn't believe I managed to ask her before she got snagged by someone else. The other person was a middle-aged woman who had never come to a contra dance. She was highly skilled in other dance, and it was absolutely incredible. I've never danced with someone that skilled and level and crisp. When we were out at the end, we just swung, the whole time. Unreal. She knew exactly where she needed to be, and I put her there, all through the dance.
I also spoke with Mance Grady, and he is taking students. $40 for an hour lesson. I'll call tomorrow.
Of course there are some catches, and the software is set up to start restricting in the future. Lots of fun, although not on overtime!
I went to the contra dance at Brown this evening. It was fun, although the vast majority of people were very, very new. I think I'm going to keep the beard. Either the beard gives me the confidence to be attractive, or it's just plain attractive. Regardless, I get lots more attention from the girls. Plus there's the occasional girl that likes it rough -- a little zip to the dance, and now I give it to them. Actually, I kinda push them as far as they'll go, and if they push back, cool!
Being a good dancer helps a lot.
I danced with two notable people -- one a stunning Scandinavian woman who could easily be a model. I could get all warm and fuzzy and say that the gradual warming up and eventual smile was because of my charming personality ... or she was high. Certainly wasn't very present. She was remarkably beautiful, though; I couldn't believe I managed to ask her before she got snagged by someone else. The other person was a middle-aged woman who had never come to a contra dance. She was highly skilled in other dance, and it was absolutely incredible. I've never danced with someone that skilled and level and crisp. When we were out at the end, we just swung, the whole time. Unreal. She knew exactly where she needed to be, and I put her there, all through the dance.
I also spoke with Mance Grady, and he is taking students. $40 for an hour lesson. I'll call tomorrow.
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