Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Work is Fun!

Today, I worked on a project for my boss, pretty much all day long. It was good work, and keeps me interested. I grew up with a useful mantra; "work is fun!" Sometimes my mother apologizes for wiring that particular point into my head, but I think it's useful. I just have to be careful not to work too much.

I am not practicing violin enough. I need to start doing it every day again, along with pushups when I get up, kettlebell drills every couple hours, and walks outside... ok, I'll start with the violin.

I turned 22. Not much of a birthday celebration, but this period is a momentous point in my life. Very little is stable any more. Lots of things have ended, but I haven't seen many new beginnings yet.

I had hoped that Heidi would wish me a happy birthday, but no go. I still keep hoping, even though I know she's gone. I saw the perfect card for her a few days ago, and bought it for her birthday (in four months!). That makes me officially wierd, but I'm allowed that right now. I'll see if I can keep it safe yet available for the next four months, and see if I'm willing to give it to her when the time comes. Probably mail it.

Things like eating half a box of oreo cookies are allowed under certain extreme circumstances. This qualifies.


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